Java For Dummies 6Edition

Java For Dummies 6Edition

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As an unstoppably platform-independent, object-oriented programming language, Java is used for developing web and mobile applications. In this up-to-date bestselling book, veteran author Barry Burd shows you how to create basic Java objects and clearly explains when you should simply reuse existing code.

  • Explores how the new version of Java offers more robust functionality and new features such as closures to keep Java competitive with more syntax-friendly languages like Python and Ruby
  • Covers object-oriented programming basics with Java, code reuse, the essentials of creating a Java program using the new JDK 7, creating basic Java objects, and new Eclipse features
  • Features a companion website that offers all code from the book and bonus chapters
Java For Dummies, 6th Edition gets you started with creating Java applications quickly and easily.

1 comment:

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    thanks a lot


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